STMicroelectronics a global semiconductor leader delivering intelligent and energy-efficient products and solutions that powers the electronics at the heart of everyday life. ST’s products are found everywhere today, and together with their customers, ST is enabling smarter driving and smarter factories, cities and homes, along with the next generation of mobile and Internet of Things devices.
ST explore innovative technologies, poised to contribute to the burgeoning electronics and semiconductor landscape by showcasing latest technologies and solutions on Smart Mobility, Industrial & IoT in electronica India 2024.
Below are the glimpses of some innovative products that ST showcased at their booth during EP India 2024.
1. Motor Control + Edge AI Washing Machine by Mohammed Zeya WASE
Using AI to make your home appliances “smarter” and more energy efficient for a sustainable future.

With the development of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), traditional home appliances are gradually evolving toward intelligence. Among these, the smart upgrade of washing machines has significantly improved quality of life.
ST’s all-in-one kit solution for washing machine and motor-driving developers combines Motor Control FOC Sensorless technology with Nano Edge AI to significantly boost energy and water efficiency. With precise cloth weight measurement (accuracy of 100g) and double-digit improvements in energy consumption, the integration of ST’s SLLIMM IPM ensures superior motor performance.
Additionally, developers can create advanced user interfaces using the TouchGFX graphical framework, allowing for swift deployment of interactive washing machine designs. This solution marks a major leap forward in the creation of eco-friendly, intelligent home appliances.
2. ST MEMS Sensor with inbuilt orientation tracking algorithm for robotic & vehicle tracking application by Hong Shao CHEN

ST’s next generation of Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) featuring built-in sensor fusion algorithms allow for real-time orientation tracking of robotic and vehicle applications. The sensor fusion processes data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer (optional) to deliver quaternion output, tracking an object’s orientation in 3D space.
This feature is available through the STM32 MotionFX API or directly within ST’s IMUs, such as the LSM6DSV family for consumer applications and the ISM330BX for industrial use cases. By embedding these algorithms directly into the sensors, developers can accelerate their innovation in robotics, drones, and other motion-sensitive applications.
Key features:
- Orientation tracking algo on 6 or 9 axis IMUs
- Available for STM32 (MotionFX API) or inbuilt with IMUs:
- LSM6DSV family (consumer)
- ISM330BX (industrial)
3. IR Sense (STHS34PF80) for Human Presence and Motion Detection by Vincent LIN

The STHS34PF80 is an uncooled, factory-calibrated, infrared motion and presence detection sensor with operating wavelength between 5 μm and 20 μm. The STHS34PF80 sensor has been designed to measure the amount of IR radiation emitted from an object within its field of view. The information is digitally processed by the ASIC, which can be programmed to monitor motion, presence, or an overtemperature condition.
Thanks to its exceptional sensitivity, the STHS34PF80 can detect the presence of a human being at a distance up to 4 meters without the need of an optical lens.
In contrast of PIR technology, TMOS technology from ST solved the “Presence” detection dead corner of PIR. TMOS technology not only can be used for human motion detection as PIR, it also detects infrared objects in “Still” condition.
Key features:
- Reach up to 4 meters without lens for objects measuring 70 x 25 cm²
- Integrated silicon IR filter
- Capable of detecting stationary objects
- 80° field of view Ÿ Low power (AVE 10uA)
- Embedded smart algorithm for presence / motion detection
4. STM32WB addressing Matter by Pradyumna Kumar JENA

The STM32WB is ideal for Matter networks because it can run concurrently Thread and Bluetooth® Low Energy used for device commissioning. It features 1 Mbyte of flash memory and 256 Kbytes of RAM to support application layer and connectivity stacks as well as Quad-SPI peripherals to extend the memory size externally. It allows over-the-air firmware updates, regardless of the application and the connectivity stack.

The STM32WL33 delivers an ultra-low-power Sub-GHz System-on-Chip (SoC) with integrated radio capabilities, optimized for IoT and industrial applications. One of its standout features is its ULP Wake Up Radio, which consumes just 4.2µA in always-on mode, allowing remote activation of devices with minimal power consumption.

Boasting 20 dBm transmission power and internal PA, this SoC is built for energy-efficient operation, with a receiving current of 5.6 mA and a transmission current of 10mA at 10 dBm. Available for evaluation via the NUCLEO-WL33CC1 board, this solution opens the door for ultra-low-power IoT devices that can remain on standby without draining energy resources.
Matter Multi-Admin
- Allows users to connect their Matter devices to multiple platforms, apps, or other control points, so users can control the devices where and how the users choose
- Matter Multi-Fabric/Admin: Interoperability among different ecosystems
- Matter devices in multiple fabric
- Devices can join multiple fabrics
- Devices are controllable by multiple Administrators (e.g., Google Home, Apple home, Samsung SmartThings, etc.)